Thursday 24 November 2016

Make Golf Cart Safety A Top Priority

Golf cart Myrtle BeachIt's a common misconception that smaller motorized vehicles, like a golf cart, are less likely to experience an accident than larger vehicles like trucks and cars.  Unfortunately, golf cart mishaps occur with frequency due to people joy riding, going too fast and not taking notice of where they are driving. Being the owner and operator of a golf cart is a great responsibility and to prevent mishaps, especially if you are running a commercial entity that has golf carts for use by workers or guests.  Follow these safe driving suggestions to make golf cart safety and safe operation of the vehicle a priority.

Car Maintenance And Upkeep

If the golf cart will be utilized every day by consumers or workers, then a recognized evaluation schedule should be formed that follows all manufacturer standards. The entire inventory needs to be examined for problems and taken out of service if a problem develops until the cart is properly fixed. Things to examine consist of fluid leaks, tire pressure, worn or missing parts, brakes, steering and other mechanical and safety features.  Best Golf Cars has an excellent service department and our experienced golf cart technicians can take care of your maintenance and upkeep to ensure your cart is safe at all times.

Show Golf Cart Safety Guidelines To Staff members and Visitors

Safety guidelines must be shown to every person who will have access and usage of the golf carts. Staff members need to be trained on the guidelines so as to prevent mishaps and to understand the proper procedure of reporting mishaps. If you are allowing visitors the use of the golf carts, workers need to go over all golf cart driving guidelines so visitors understand the rules prior to operating the vehicle. Some guidelines that your guests ought to understand:

  • Drive at safe speeds

  • Constantly use seat belts

  • Constantly wait till passengers are seated and wearing their seat belts before moving

  • Reduce your speed during inclement weather

  • Always take care when driving around blind corners, bends, down hills and in over populated areas

  • Permit pedestrians the right of way

  • No pleasure riding or horse play in the golf cart

Your top priority should be keeping your employees and visitors safe when driving golf carts that you own and operate. Encourage everyone to follow all safety measures daily.

For more professional golf cart maintenance tips, call Best Golf Cars now.

Best Golf Cars

1400 Enterprise Ave.

Myrtle Beach, SC, 29578


Best Golf Cars – Market Common

1600 Farrow Parkway

Coventry Crossings Shopping Plaza

Myrtle Beach, SC


Tuesday 15 November 2016

Keys To Effective Golf Cart Maintenance

Golf Cart Maintenance Myrtle BeachEffective golf cart maintenance does not only include regularly taking the cart to a professional like Best Golf Cars for checkups and tune-ups. There are other things that a golf cart owner should do in order to keep the cart in tip top condition. It is important to provide optimum care for your golf cart to ensure a longer life span for your carts as well as guarantee you and your family's safety whenever using the cart.

To help you effectively take care of your golf carts, here are some helpful golf cart maintenance guidelines that you can follow.

Regularly charge your car – For electric golf carts, it is important to keep them charged at all times. Experts recommend charging your golf cart after using it for every 7 miles. Make sure the charger is switched on by checking the charger ammeter. Also, the charger will be hot to the touch when charging.

To ensure you always charge your golf carts before it runs out of power, consider installing a LED charge indicator in the cart's dashboard. The light indicator moves between fully charged and needs charging depending on the condition of your golf cart.

Check the water of your battery regularly – According to Myrtle Beach golf cart maintenance experts, batteries should be checked regularly to ensure they have the right level of water. More specifically, you should look at the water level of your battery every month for the first two years of buying the golf cart and every two weeks thereafter.

The right level of water in your battery should be just slightly below the split ring. Also, the plates should be covered by water. If you need to charge your golf cart, do this first before adding water. Note that water can boil over during charging and cause additional problems. Use only distilled or treated water when refilling your batteries.

Wash your batteries carefully – This is to ensure that dirt and debris will not stick to your batteries and cause damage and corrosion. Keep in mind that a corroded battery is prone to self discharge even when not in use.

According to professionals, proper care should be observed when washing batteries. You should wear proper eye protection and clothing because battery acid is harmful to the eyes and skin. Battery acid can also leave permanent stain on your driveway and flooring. Thus, you should consider placing a drip tray under your golf cart whenever washing your batteries.

Always maintain the right tire pressure – Consult with your golf cart manufacturer or with golf cart maintenance experts to confirm the right pressure to maintain for your golf carts. It is important to keep your tires with sufficient pressure as this helps ensure easy steering and safe driving.

Practice proper storage of your golf cart – When storing your golf cart, you should ensure that it is in the neutral gear and the key should be switched off. In addition to this, you should also consider placing blocks along the path of the golf cart. This will ensure that your golf cart will not go and roll anywhere.

For more professional golf cart maintenance tips, call Best Golf Cars now.

Best Golf Cars

1400 Enterprise Ave.

Myrtle Beach, SC, 29578


Best Golf Cars – Market Common

1600 Farrow Parkway

Coventry Crossings Shopping Plaza

Myrtle Beach, SC


Wednesday 2 November 2016

Best Golf Carts Myrtle Beach – Best Christmas Present

Golf Carts Myrtle BeachIt is hard to believe that there are less than 2 months until Christmas? Maybe you have been real good this year and desire something special for yourself or maybe you wish to surprise someone. Why not do it with a golf cart? If a sunny day makes your loved one dream about the blue sky over a green golf court or if spending time at golf is synonymous with relaxation it's pretty clear why a golf cart would make a great gift. If that special someone is a senior who lives nearby just think about how easy it will be to come visit his grandchildren and just how much fun they could have going on a ride with the golf cart. You won't be offering just another gift – the golf cart. Your gift will be all the moments of great times your gift will offer your loved one.

Best Golf Cars Myrtle Beach offers a wide variety of golf carts: from new to used. Electric carts or on gas, commercial, residential or LSV. We have them all and we are here to help you choose the one that best fits your needs! The best part is that Best Golf Cars Myrtle Beach is the right place not only to buy a golf cart but we also offer refurbishing services or we could help you design a custom cart!

If you taught a golf cart would be the best Christmas present think about how great a custom golf cart would be! If your loved one already owns a golf cart refurbishing it and adding elements to personalize it could make the cart not only feel brand new but it would also represent a special gift, specially customized for them. And if you really want to make that someone feel as special as he or she is to you a custom, unique golf cart designed especially for them could be a great way to do it.

A lot of seniors prefer golf carts because it allows them to move around the neighborhood- going to the local grocery store or visiting their grandchildren if they live nearby. Some of the seniors in our lives have a few special needs- it's harder to climb in a car or golf cart, need a special position to sit so their back doesn't hurt or other problems that can be solved by customizing the cart for them. You'll be making life a lot easier for them and they'll really feel appreciated! Getting old and slow might sound like a nightmare to many of us. You can't really do anything about the getting old part but you can surely do something about the slow part. And the solution is pretty simple and yet amazing- the golf cart.

Here, at Best Golf Cars Myrtle Beach, we are aware that money doesn't grow on trees and that's why we have arranged financing offers for your purchase. We like to think that our collaboration starts when you buy a golf cart we offer both service and investment programs.

Best Golf Cars Myrtle Beach is best thanks to our products and service, because the golf carts are the BEST Christmas gift and will offer your loved one the BEST good times while using it!

Be sure and stop by to see what we have in inventory and to order or customize a cart for your family this Christmas.

Best Golf Cars

1400 Enterprise Ave.

Myrtle Beach, SC, 29578


Best Golf Cars – Market Common

1600 Farrow Parkway

Coventry Crossings Shopping Plaza

Myrtle Beach, SC


Monday 24 October 2016

How Custom Golf Cars Helped Improve Retirement

Custom Golf Cars Myrtle BeachBefore today's wide popularity of the use of custom golf cars, these small electric cars have undergone a lot of disputes from the local government. Many have questioned not only their legality as well as the safety of their use. But thanks to the persistence of the owner of a small golf cart company, people have realized the benefits of using golf carts.

One owner was William Stevens Jr. and he wanted to prove the reliability of his golf cars. In 1962, he wanted to present his golf cart in a golf merchandise show in Florida; so he drove it from Georgia to the show. Unfortunately, he was pulled over by a patrol officer who told him he could not drive his golf cart on the highway. Stevens argued that there were no signs that said he couldn't so the patrol officer let him go.

This little scenario, according to experts and analysts, is what triggered the developments in the golf cart industry. From then on, custom golf cars were used in a wide variety of purposes aside from travelling through a golf course. In fact, a retirement community was later opened in Orlando in the 1980s to allow seniors to use golf carts in a wide variety of purposes, including running errands around the city and doing grocery shopping. This senior living community was specifically built to support the lifestyle of seniors which primarily revolves around golf carts.

Golf carts as primary mode of transportation

Since then, various retirement developments have been built all throughout the country as more and more seniors choose golf carts as their primary mode of transportation. What seniors like best about golf carts is that they allow them to travel throughout their local areas with utmost comfort and safety. They don't worry about making noise or stopping by a gas station to refuel. Moreover, they have easy access to their surroundings because golf carts do not have doors. They can see everything and be able to move freely as they are not hindered by seat belts.

Here are some of the great things that people are saying about custom golf cars:

  • “You're open to the weather and when you're going a slower speed, you observe things. You're closer to other golf-cart drivers, so you can interact with people as you go. It's easier to park. It's like a big toy in some ways.” Ernie Keckonen, sales manager of The Villages Golf Cars

  • “I would venture that at least half our golf carts have never been on a golf course. Early on residents started driving off the course and doing errands in their golf carts.” Paul Herrmann, executive director of the visitor's center in Arizona's Sun City

  • “The sensation is oddly thrilling. Cruising along in a golf cart at 20 miles per hour is somehow more invigorating than travelling in a car at seventy.” Andrew Blechman, journalist and author of Leisureville.

For more information about custom golf cars, contact Best Golf Cars now.

Best Golf Cars

1400 Enterprise Ave.

Myrtle Beach, SC, 29578


Best Golf Cars – Market Common

1600 Farrow Parkway

Coventry Crossings Shopping Plaza

Myrtle Beach, SC


Tuesday 11 October 2016

How Golf Carts Work

Mark Twain when said, “Golf is an excellent walk spoiled.”

Golf Carts Myrtle BeachHowever if you want to take the walking out of golf entirely, just utilize a golf cart. Golf is one of the few sports (beyond motorsports, naturally) that allows participants utilize motorized transport as part of the game. And if you're doing it right, you can correctly and pleasantly use a golf cart when you're out on the course.

Types of Golf Carts

When you're out on the golf course, you don't always have to utilize a cart. However, it'll be a lot easier to concentrate on your game if your back isn't hurting from carrying a heavy bag around. Plus, your golf cart permits you to express yourself in a manner that's rare in sports.

There are two primary types of golf carts: gas and electrical. Fuel golf carts work much like little cars and trucks. A small engine, running on fuel, powers the cart's wheels. However, one significant difference between a gasoline-powered golf cart and normal car is when the engine runs. When operating a car, the engine will start when you turn the key (or in more current cars, when you push the ignition), and it keeps running until you switch the ignition off. In a gasoline-powered golf cart, you start the engine when you step on the gas pedal, and it shuts down when you take your foot off the gas. That feature conserves gas, minimizes emissions and assists to keep the course peaceful, too. And it's nice that you won't need to be thinking of your next shot over the drone of an engine.

Golf Cart Accessories

Everyone understands the basics you have on the golf course: a sports shirt, spikes, clubs– and sunscreen is always a smart idea, too. However unlike other sports, golf lets you surpass the essentials by adding certain accessories to your cart. In fact, accessories can be a great method to individualize your golf cart to fit your needs.

Most golf carts come relatively sparsely equipped from the factory. Depending on your perspective, that's either a pain, because you might have to pay additional for even the most basic of add-ons, like beverage holders, or it might be a good idea, since it suggests you can alternative that golf cart precisely as you want it.

Electric Golf Cart Tax Credit

By now you understand that the usefulness of golf carts goes far beyond the golf course. They can be used nearly anywhere a car and truck can't, like the beach, and even in some locations where cars and trucks can go. Lots of neighborhoods in Myrtle Beach are located on golf courses. These golf communities aren't just developed around golf courses, either. Instead, golf cart paths are used to promote a car-free lifestyle for the homeowners. Instead of hopping in their cars to go wherever they have to go, homeowners in these locations jump into their own personal golf carts. When used this way, golf carts are called Community Electric Vehicles (NEVs).

Peachtree City, Ga., a neighborhood south of Atlanta, is one area that has actually motivated NEV use among its citizens. Peachtree City has more than 90 miles (144.8 kilometers) of golf cart courses, and locals utilize them to travel between the 5 towns in the neighborhood. Lots of high school students within the community take golf carts to school, and the golf cart use has not just helped to lower traffic– it's likewise assisted Peachtree City make CNN/Money's list of the Best Places to Live [source: CNN/Money]

Whether you live in a beach community or a retirement village, a golf cart is a great way to get around and enjoy the area. Call Best Golf Cars today.

Best Golf Cars

1400 Enterprise Ave.

Myrtle Beach, SC, 29578

Best Golf Cars – Market Common

1600 Farrow Parkway

Coventry Crossings Shopping Plaza

Myrtle Beach, SC


Best Golf Cars Outlet Store

710 Seaboard Street

Myrtle Beach, SC


Monday 3 October 2016

Mercedes Benz Presents Luxury Golf Cart

Golf Cart Myrtle BeachHave you ever wished you could purchase a golf cart that came loaded with wood trim, carbon fiber, and an incorporated touchscreen? We'd be willing to bet the idea never crossed your mind. Mercedes-Benz, on the other hand, has actually been up at all hours of the night, wringing its hands, trying to reinvent the traditional golf cart. Now, 3 years after the concept of a Mercedes cart presented to both Mercedes and golf fans, the German car manufacturer pulled the covers off an idea showcasing the future of golf carts.

The cart is the result of a cooperation between a business division of Daimler and Mercedes-Benz designers and most significantly, Garia. Garia has already forged a name for itself as the purveyor of luxury-focused carts, so a partnership with one of the greatest names in German high-end is a no-brainer.

Garia and Mercedes went to extreme lengths to guarantee the so-called “Mercedes-Benz Design Edition Garia Golf Car” leavings from the top-heavy, unwieldy appearance of a routine cart, and instead appears as “stylish” as possible. In this pursuit, the cart wears a low-slung profile, with a curvaceous, sculpted body.

Up top, the thin roofing is carbon fiber, as is the rear bumper diffuser. An incorporated “spoiler” jutting out from the rear decklid features the necessary attachments for two golf bags. In advance, a Smart-esque fascia wears golf ball dimples, to “make the lorry's purpose clear.”

Inside is where Mercedes truly struts its stuff. As you would imagine, it's chock-full of elegant features. The regular straight-edge bench seat is replaced with a curved bench, hiding a cooled compartment underneath. Forget the plastic-fantastic dash of the routine carts; the Merc's interior features extensive usage of carbon fiber, mixing well with the metal and wood-trimmed surfaces. Underneath the dash, the Mercedes-Benz Garia holds six golf balls in a neat little row, while “bottle holders” flank each side of the binnacle.

For those who delight in being rude to other players, Bluetooth connection is incorporated with the big LCD touchpad infotainment system. In addition to blasting the very best soft rock you can summon, the touchpad also allows you to gain access to vehicle details, course map, scorecard, range, and parking brake status. The cart has up to 50 miles of range, and is governed by a top speed of 19 miles per hour.

If you want one, you'd much better let Best Golf Cars know. As of right now, only two will be built, both as public show vehicles. Garia will evaluate customer response and strategy accordingly.

Best Golf Cars

1400 Enterprise Ave.

Myrtle Beach, SC, 29578

Best Golf Cars – Market Common

1600 Farrow Parkway

Coventry Crossings Shopping Plaza

Myrtle Beach, SC


Best Golf Cars Outlet Store

710 Seaboard Street

Myrtle Beach, SC



Wednesday 14 September 2016

Off Road Golf Carts – Aspects to Think about When Tailoring Golf Carts

Off Road Golf Carts Myrtle BeachFor the extreme sports fan, owning an off road golf cart could be a great resource of fun. Off road golf carts are made to bear exposure to rough as well as undulating surface. Although you could just purchase an off road golf cart, individuals often decide to buy a second hand version so they can modify it to their own requirements.

There are lots of various traits you can do to tailor as well as improve your off road golf cart. The combos are endless – here are some common ones:

Lift kits: Lift sets are the device that enhances the floor height of your golf cart. With lift kits, the suspension enhances, and also you could retrofit your golfing cart with bigger tires. To avoid serious mishaps, having great suspension is an especially crucial aspect when driving on off road trails. The range of lift kits out there is enormous and it is an alternative that you need to take a look at when modifying your golf cart.

Golf cart windows: Some golf carts do not have wind guards, therefore, it might be a smart idea to mount one since windshields for off road golf carts are essential. It secures you from the mud as well as dust spun up by your wheels as you drive. What you may what to do is to install a fold down windshield, providing you the option to switch between outdoors as well as windshield driving.

ATV Tires: ATV tires is declared to be the most effective option for tough terrain. The tires of conventional carts are not designed to be uses of for off road driving, only ATV tires are ALRIGHT for such use as they are a designed fit for this purpose. They'll improve your safety and also make driving for miles a lot more comfortable.

Upgrade the steering wheel: This isn't really that important however it could make driving easier. It can make your buggie look better and also will certainly boost your hold while decreasing the weight on your hand when driving.

Excellent quality steering wheels go for approximately $100 and will be 13.4 inches in size. Two widely understood off roadway golf cart steering wheels are the Formula One spoked replicas and also the Grant simulated wood variation.

Compared to an ATV (All Terrain Vehicle), customized crafted off road golf carts is a cheaper alternative. You'll additionally be more content, knowing that your car is personalized to your specific needs and desires.

Do you have a golf cart design that you have been dreaming of? Stop by one of our three Myrtle Beach locations to discuss your ideas. We are the premier Myrtle Beach Golf Cart store and specialize in customizing your golf cart.

Best Golf Cars

1400 Enterprise Ave.

Myrtle Beach, SC, 29578


Best Golf Cars – Market Common

1600 Farrow Parkway

Coventry Crossings Shopping Plaza

Myrtle Beach, SC



Best Golf Cars Outlet Store

710 Seaboard Street

Myrtle Beach, SC


Monday 22 August 2016

Golf Carts and Retirement Part 2

Golf Carts Myrtle Beach

The year 1932 was special to the golfing community, but it was 30 years later that the golf cart eventually became popular. Going by the reference of a Popular Mechanics story that exists at Wikipedia, it is possible to see how the relevance of the carts has grown over time. Meanwhile, understanding the financial implications and growth of the golf cart industry is quite hard due to top secrecy as a result of the private nature of the industry.

According to Fred Somers, the secretary and general counsel for the National Golf Car Manufacturer's Association (NGCMA), the size of the industry is unclear but rough estimates at the year 2000 place the valuation at $600 million annually. Major competitors in the industry are Club Car, E-Z Go, and Yamaha, and they collectively shipped 100,000 vehicles in 2009 as indicated by Bloomberg.

Noticeably, there is a push for the use of the term golf cars instead of golf carts and the key driver to the change is the golfing community. The contention with the name cart is that it refers to something pushed to move while the reality is that the golf carts are motorized. In the absence of some industry statistics, the golf cart name will suffice.

The advancements of the golf cart are significant as can be shown by the fact that today anyone including William Stevens Jr. of Club Car would have no trouble using them as a road worthy vehicle on some roads. Thus, the privilege has extended to golf-cart communities although they can be actualized according to some state and local laws and determine the appropriate definition and eventual use of a golf cart and it driver or its driving location. Florida needs no driving license and golf carts are considered to have a thoroughgoing speed of 20 miles an hour, which is higher than the NGCMA target of 15 miles per hour. Recent developments in regulation have seen the accommodation of improved golf carts by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). The same body has also supported neighborhood electric vehicles, low-speed vehicle and personal transportation vehicles to use public roads and this shows that more non-traditional vehicles will be using public roads in future.

People get old and become physically challenged in many ways such that they cannot be active as they were in youthful years. The golf cart is a cool alternative to those who have to put their driver keys away and Sun City's Paul Hermann remembered a case of a resident who could no longer use a car because of doctor's orders. He was on supplemented oxygen, yet he was allowed to move around using a golf cart for its safety features of stopping when the driver stops pressing on the accelerator (passing out while pressing on can be catastrophic).

Research findings by Gerald McGwin as a co-author of a 2008 study confirm people who should be driving cars are not any safer when driving golf carts. The statement by the professor of epidemiology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham was based on the finding that between 2002 and 2005, about 48,000 golf-related injuries with a majority being contusions, fractures and concussions arose. The findings by the professor's colleagues also noted that causalities were mainly not actively retired. They were children, teenagers and the over 80-year old. (The data in line with witness reports of younger visitors to retirement communities being thrilled by the prospect of driving golf carts.)

The American Journal of Preventive Medicine in its 2008 volume showed that from 1996 to 2006, carts became more mainstream and this corresponded to an injury rate rise of more than 130 percent. McGwin prefers to see safety regulations improved such as the provision of mandatory safety belts and the requirement for helmets for golf cart drivers. Such views will be difficult to push through as retirees are not expected to alter lifestyles of retirees, but the other concern is the mix of vehicles like the golf cart with other cars. Accidents can be catastrophic when cars hit the carts.

Lastly, Lt. Nehemiah Wolfe repressing the Sumter County sheriff's office has been doing community policing activities on golf-cart safety education. The audience at The Villages is usually several dozens, and the topic is on advice on grandchildren use of golf carts, road rules and attachment. During the monthly lectures, too much cleaning and polishing activities for golf carts as well as the use of Armor All on seats is discouraged.

Best Golf Cars in Myrtle Beach encourages senior citizens to use caution when driving a golf cart around their beach community. It can be a great alternative to the automobile if safety precautions are used.

Best Golf Cars

1400 Enterprise Ave.

Myrtle Beach, SC, 29578

Best Golf Cars – Market Common

1600 Farrow Parkway

Coventry Crossings Shopping Plaza

Myrtle Beach, SC


Best Golf Cars Outlet Store

710 Seaboard Street

Myrtle Beach, SC


Thursday 18 August 2016

The Rise of Golf Carts and How They Improve Retirement Part 1

Golf Cart Myrtle Beach

William Stevens Jr. decided to take a 450-mile journey in the winter of 1962 to prove the reliability of the golf carts. William, who was the owner of a golf-cart company, took six days to drive from the factory in Georgia to the golf-cart showroom in Florida. On that journey, William was accompanied by his colleague. On the highway, they were stopped by highway patrol officer claiming that the slow-moving machine was not allowed on the highway. Stephen replied to the officer saying he didn't see the signs that restricted them from driving such vehicle. At that point, the officer was defeated, and he let them continue with their journey.

However, it turned out to be an insightful trip that predicting the changes in both golf and retirement. Before then, the golf players were required to walk the 18 holes. However, things have changed because the players should use a golf cart. Back in those days, the retirement meant that people have stopped working, and not the beginning of a new lifestyle. The first age-restricted community known as Sun City, Arizona was formed around the same time William Stevens drove to Florida. Nowadays, over 1 million people live in such retirement developments. To many, a  golf cart symbolizes the liberation from the bondage of their past lives.

In the late 1980s, an elders-only community was opened in the west of Orlando. The community host of 83,000 elder people and has over 100 miles of golf cart trails. In fact, that community was developed purposely for golf-cart lifestyle. In this community, people are supposed to use golf carts in their daily activities such as going to shopping, bank, hairdresser, movies, dancing, etc. In fact, a video of the village website illustrates the rejuvenating qualities of the golf cart. One resident says that golf cart makes him feel like a kid again.

In most senior residential communities around the country from Georgia to Texas and Florida to California, the golf cart is the primary mode of transportation. In other words, a golf cart liberates as well as limiting the users. Elders cruise happily on the quiet electric vehicles without worrying of seat belts and doors. On the other hand, it means that an individual will not go far and will not get to the destination fast when the golf cart is the only means of transportation. In this case, most of the seniors won't go beyond the retirement community.

A 66-year old Don Hahnfeldt, who used to drive submarines, says that using golf cart is exciting. Six years ago, Don and his wife bought their home in the village. They arrived with an Infiniti and a Cadillac. As soon as they settled in their new home, they bought their first golf cart. Six months later they acquired another golf cart. One year after seeing that their cars were sitting idle, they sold the Infiniti and retained the Cadillac for driving kids to Disney World. Nowadays, there are more than 50,000 privately-owned golf carts in the retirement villages. That is more than all taxis and buses in Manhattan, New York.

Ernie Keckonen, who is the sales manager of The Villages Golf Cars, says that most people move to the villages because of the ability to travel in a golf cart. He says that the golf cars retails between $6,000 and $8,000. People love golf carts because they are open and go slowly allowing them to observe things. Moreover, one can interact with people in other golf carts as they go. Furthermore, it is much easier to park golf carts. Most people spend a great deal of time customizing their golf carts to look like Mustangs, Vintage Chevys, and Hummers. A retired firefighter had customized his golf cart to look like a fire truck. Most people like to decorate their carts with memorabilia from favorite football teams or their homes states.

Journalist Andrew Blechman, is his book Leisureville, has a skeptical view of The Villages. He is concerned about self-segregation of the elderly people. However, Blechman admits that riding is golf cart is enjoyable. He says that riding in a golf cart at 20 miles per hour more exciting than driving a car at over seventy. He acknowledges that the golf cart is very peaceful and more relaxing. Moreover, the golf carts are safer, economical and eco-friendly. He observes that golf carts are social as it is easier to talk to passersby.

There are many residential communities in Myrtle Beach that encourage golf as a means of transportation. Best Golf Cars has new, used and custom built golf carts. Stop by one of our 3 showrooms to see what is right for you.

Best Golf Cars

1400 Enterprise Ave.

Myrtle Beach, SC, 29578

Best Golf Cars – Market Common

1600 Farrow Parkway

Coventry Crossings Shopping Plaza

Myrtle Beach, SC


Best Golf Cars Outlet Store

710 Seaboard Street

Myrtle Beach, SC


Sunday 7 August 2016

Preparing Your Custom Golf Cars For The Winter Season

Custom Golf Cars Myrtle Beach

August has arrived and it will soon be fall and time to think about storing your golf cart for the winter. I know it is hard to believe that summer is winding down but the realization that the kids start school next week brings us to that reality.

Aside from your swimming pool and deck furniture, the winter season can also affect your custom golf cars. This is why it is important that you prepare your golf cars for the coming cold months. If you are not planning on storing your golf car for the duration of the winter season, you should consider these things that you can add to your golf car to prepare it in facing the cold months.

  1. Enclosure

The first thing you should consider investing in as the cold months start to arrive is an enclosure and covering. Custom golf cars are open vehicles so you are likely to get wet and cold when you drive it during a cold day. Installing an enclosure will help ensure that you remain dry while using your golf car.

Enclosures come in different sizes and designs that you can choose from depending on the size, color and number of seats in your golf car. Enclosures have doors and windows to allow you and the passengers to still be able to look at your surroundings while driving the golf car. There are also bigger sized enclosures that are designed to cover and protect even the back part of the cart.

  1. Portable propane heater

This makes you even more comfortable when driving your golf car on a cold winter day. There are propane heaters that you can place on your cup holder or on the dashboard. When choosing a heater to buy, consider its safety, especially if you are using it inside an enclosed golf car. Also think about how the electric heater can affect the performance of your golf car battery because this is where it will get electricity to perate.

  1. Windshield wipers

Just like ordinary cars, you can also install windshield wipers on custom golf cars. And these are not only necessary during the winter season. You are also likely to need this all throughout the year, especially during the storm season. When it rains and you need to use your golf car, you will surely benefit from the wipers as they will keep the windshield clear and improve your visibility as you drive the golf car. As a result, it helps keep you safe while driving. You can choose from a manual or automatic wiper. If you are not sure which to buy for your golf car, seek professional advice from Best Golf Cars.

  1. Tire chains

This is another addition to your golf car that can keep you safe as you drive along a wet and slippery road. Similarly with cars, you will want to put chains on your golf car tires to make it more resistant to the slippery and wet roads. The size and amount of tire chains that you will need depend on the size of your golf car tire. Thus, it is important that you effectively measure your golf car tires before buying tire chains.

  1. Snow Plow

If you want to use your golf cart for another purpose, you can opt to have a snow plow attached to your golf cart. This will allow you to use your golf car in plowing and removing snow in your driveway and along the street. There are snow plows that are built as an attachment to golf cars. Some feature automatic adjustments for more convenience to the operator. Others, however, are manually adjusted.

For more information about custom golf cars, call Best Golf Cars now.

Best Golf Cars

1400 Enterprise Ave.

Myrtle Beach, SC, 29578

Best Golf Cars – Market Common

1600 Farrow Parkway

Coventry Crossings Shopping Plaza

Myrtle Beach, SC


Best Golf Cars Outlet Store

710 Seaboard Street

Myrtle Beach, SC

Phone: 843-945-2272

Thursday 28 July 2016

Key Aspects Of A Complete Golf Cart Maintenance Routine

Golf Cart Maintenance Myrtle BeachRegular and complete golf cart maintenance is necessary to keep your golf carts running smoothly and prevent repairs and replacements. Aside from regularly cleaning and properly charging your batteries, there are some other things that you should do and focus on to properly take care of your golf carts.

Golf cart battery maintenance

One of the most used parts of your golf cart is its battery. You need to take proper care of your cart's battery to extend its lifespan – up 4 to 5 years – so as to ensure your golf cart runs smoothly and is always in perfect condition. Another reason you might want to take better care of your golf cart batter is because it can be really expensive to repair or replace them.

Here are some things you need to keep in mind to properly maintain your golf cart battery:

Remove jewelry, particularly watches, necklaces and rings before handling, cleaning or servicing your battery. If they come into contact with the battery, the battery's voltage may cause the metal to weld together, which is highly dangerous especially considering jewelry is made from metal.

Wear protective gear such as safety goggles and rubber gloves when checking and refilling your battery. Keep in mind that battery acid is highly corrosive and dangerous.

Always ensure the water level in each battery cell is in the right level AFTER the battery has been fully charged. You will know it is in the right level when the water covers the plates.

Use only distilled water to refill your golf cart battery. Do not overfill because this will cause the battery acid to flow out of the batter covers and cause corrosion to the metal frames and cables of your battery and golf cart.

Connectors should be tight and secure and without corrosion. If you notice signs of loose and corroded battery connections, call Best Golf Cars at once for professional assistance.

Make sure the tops and sides of your battery is clean and free from any debris, grass, dust and other debris as these may block your battery connections.

Engine maintenance

As with cars and other automobiles, golf carts that are gas-powered also include engine maintenance. Below is a list of things you need to keep in mind in maintaining your cart engine.

Change the oil, spark plug and air filter element once every 12 months.

Have a golf cart maintenance professional check your cart's clutches once every year. This will help prevent bigger and more costly problems on your clutch which may also affect the overall performance of your golf cart.

Immediately call your golf cart technician or service provider when you hear loud noises or smell exhaust fumes coming from your engine. These may be due to a damaged muffler or exhaust pipe. Refrain from using your cart until a professional has checked it.

Tire maintenance

Tires are often forgotten by many golf cart owners as part of their maintenance routine. Apart from the regular cleaning of tires, there are other things you need to keep in mind in order to properly maintain your tires.

Make sure your tires are always in the recommended pressure by the manufacturer, which is usually 22 psi. Depending on how frequent you use your tires, you should have its pressure checked once every month. Do not let your tires run on a lower or higher pressure than what is recommended by the manufacturer as this may cause your tires to wear out quickly and affect the performance of your golf cart.

It is also important to keep your tires properly rotated and aligned. You should have your tires checked for proper rotation and correct alignment at least once every year. On the other hand, if you have recently hit a curb or hole, you may want to have your tire alignment checked at once.

If you notice cracks on your tire walls, many golf cart maintenance experts agree that this simply means that your tires are nearing the end of their lifespan. You should consider having them replaced soon.

Brake maintenance

According to industry experts and professionals, it is important to have the brakes of your golf carts checked and serviced at least once every 6 months. A complete brake service and maintenance includes cleaning and adjusting the pedal, pads, cables and drums of your brake system.

Every golf cart owner should have their brake system checked regular to ensure their safety when using their golf cart as well as to prevent costly repairs. Remember to always call your service technician if you notice any unusual changes in your brake system such as low brake pedal or squeaking noise.

For more information on complete golf cart maintenance, call Best Golf Cars now.

Best Golf Cars

1400 Enterprise Ave.

Myrtle Beach, SC, 29578

Phone (843) 448-7775

Wednesday 22 June 2016

4 Factors To Consider When Buying A Golf Cart

Golf Cart Myrtle BeachPeople may have different reasons for buying a golf cart. Some want their own cart for use when playing golf. Others are looking for a more eco-friendly and convenient way of transportation when doing errands and going around the neighborhood (the vehicle is often referred to as a golf car when used in this context.) Whatever your reason might be for purchasing a golf cart, however, there are some factors you need to consider before making any purchase.

Permission to use a golf cart

Are you permitted to use a personal golf cart on your course or in your neighborhood? Before you get too excited in buying a golf cart, you may need to ensure whether or not you can use a personal golf cart on the golf course where you are playing and on your neighborhood. This is essentially the first thing you should do as soon as you decide that you want to buy a golf cart.

Keep in mind that there are golf courses that do not allow the use of golf carts in their courses and that personal golf carts are not permitted for use in some neighborhoods. And if it is allowed in your neighborhood, you may want to ask about the rules, regulations and limitations of using personal golf carts. This may include where and at what speed are you allowed to drive it as well as on which roads are golf carts allowed. A good place to start inquiring is with your home owners association.

Electric and gas powered golf carts

Generally, there are two types of golf carts – electric and gas. Depending on your preferences, you will need to choose between these two types. Most common among buyers, according to Best Golf Cars, are the electric golf carts, which are more environment-friendly and requires lesser maintenance. Considering the continuous increase in gas prices, you will save a lot of money if you decide to buy an electric golf cart.

With regard to maintenance, there are fewer parts that are prone to rusting in electric golf carts than gas powered ones. Both, however, can be customized and modified according to your needs and purposes.

Batteries and other parts

When buying a golf cart, it is essential that you carefully check each of the parts of the cart, particularly the batteries and connectors. This is especially true if you decide to buy a used golf cart. Make sure they are clean and still in good working condition. Sometimes, buying a used golf cart or non-working golf cart for a cheap price and having them repaired and modified will not actually generate savings. You may actually end up spending more because of the repeated repairs that are needed in order to maintain your golf cart. Should this be the case, it would be more beneficial for you if you buy a brand new golf cart or a custom built golf car from Best Golf Cars.

Test drive the golf cart

To ensure you are buying a fully functional golf cart, ask the seller or manufacturer if you can take it for a test drive. Many manufacturers, sellers and retailers allow this to further accommodate their buyers. Sometimes, they even go with them for the test drive to point out the features of the golf cart. If the seller does not allow taking the golf cart for a test drive, you may need to look for another seller.

Some of the things that you need to check when taking the golf for a test drive include switching the cart on, using the brakes, handling the steering wheel, and the performance of the wheels. You need to be sure that the cart is in good working condition before deciding to buy.

Need help buying a golf cart? Call Best Golf Cars now.

Best Golf Cars

1400 Enterprise Ave.

Myrtle Beach, SC, 29578

Phone (843) 448-7775

Best Golf Cars – Market Common

1600 Farrow Parkway

Coventry Crossings Shopping Plaza

Myrtle Beach, SC



Monday 13 June 2016

What to Search for in an Utilized Golf Cart-- Part 2

What to Search for in an Utilized Golf Cart-- Part 2We continue our suggestions on purchasing a used or refurbished golf cart.

Used Golf Cart Storage

used golf carts

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Buyers have to ensure they have enough area to properly keep a golf cart. Carts that are kept inside your storage area or garage will stay in much better shape when they not exposed to climate condition on a 24-hour basis. Also, golf carts are fairly light and vulnerable to theft. Keeping a cart inside can impede theft.

Utilized Golf Cart Budget

Buyers ought to recognize a spending plan for just how much they wish to acquire a golf cart. Buyers with smaller spending plans may have to sacrifice appearances or functions for a golf cart that will last. Buyers with a somewhat larger spending plan can search for more recent designs with more functions and comfy seats.

Analyzing an Utilized Golf Cart

When buying a used golf cart, buyers should analyze each individual component of the golf cart, such as the tires, to guarantee it is sufficient. Buyers must recognize exactly what features they require and inspect the golf cart making sure each aspect is practical. Knowing the difference in between reconditioned golf carts and as-is designs will help buyers to make a notified getting option.

Examine the Tires

Purchasers ought to evaluate the tires on the golf cart. Look for tires with deep treads and no visible leaks or damage. Check the tire pressure making sure the tires hold air and the pressure in the tire matches the suggestion. Purchasers who find the best cart with used tires need to keep in mind that tires can be changed for just $90. A quality cart need to not be ignored simply due to the fact that of poor tire quality.

Examine the Canopy

Take a look at the canopy of the golf cart. There have to be very little damage to the roofing or frame. Search for rust. Canopies that have rust damage will simply further use down, becoming more problematic. Purchasers need to gently shake the canopy making sure it feels safe. Any moving or looseness in the canopy signifies bad structure or weakening parts.

Examine the Body

The body of the cart is vital from a structural along with cosmetic perspective. The body of the cart should have very little rust or visible damage. Small scratches, faded paint, or little damages that do not compromise the stability of the cart must not deter a buyer from thinking about the cart. Buyers ought to put pressure on each element on the body, testing for stability.

Check the Battery

Purchasers have to examine the battery prior to purchasing an electrical cart. Batteries can cost around $800 to replace. The more current the battery, the longer the battery will last. Batteries are typically marked with a code consisting of a letter and a number that recommend the month and year the battery was made. The letter represents the month, A being January, B being February, and so on, till I, which represents December. The 2nd part is a single-digit, one through 9. Batteries last five to 6 years, so purchasers can presume the number represents the closest preceding year ending since single number.

Make sure a Good Price

Buyers ought to constantly match the model of a used golf cart with the expense of a brand-new golf cart. This will offer purchasers context for the purchase price. Depending on wear and tear, a used cart ought to be roughly half of the expenditure of a brand-new cart. Carts with less wear and tear, new batteries, or carts that have in fact seen under a year of usage will have greater rates.

Consider the Brand

Buyers need to consider the brand name of the golf cart when shopping. Brand names such as Club Car, EZ Go, and Yamaha are popular, reliable golf carts. Purchasing considerable brand name allows purchasers to understand the carts are developed with quality parts that are made to last and can be altered rapidly.

" As Is" Versus Reconditioned Golf Carts

People buying previously owned golf carts from dealers ought to know the difference between "as is" and reconditioned golf carts. Reconditioned carts were taken in by the car dealership, checked, and completely redone by the dealer. These carts may have brand-new mechanical pieces, new seat material, or maybe brand-new paint. Buyers can be ensured of their quality by the 60- to 90-day warranty lots of dealerships supply. Buyers may pay more for a cart that is reconditioned, nevertheless this is an excellent financial investment for the quality reconditioned carts provide.

As-is golf carts have actually had no repair work and have no warranty. Dealers and sellers normally examine these carts for significant mechanical or structural flaws, however the evaluation stops there. These carts are provided without service warranties nevertheless are normally less expensive than reconditioned golf carts.

Test Drive Used Golf Carts

Test driving a golf cart is an exceptional way to determine the quality and efficiency of a cart. Purchasers need to take the cart for a minimum of a 15-minute test drive. Buyers ought to initially observe how comfy the cart and seats are. The cart must be sufficient to have a motorist and traveler trip in the cart for a few minutes without pain. Purchasers ought to then analyze the responsiveness of the car. Check how fast the cart accelerate on flat ground and inclines. Examine the brakes. Make certain they are trustworthy, and test to see how they react when making a tough, quick stop. Look at the battery life and fuel. A short test drive should make an extremely minor influence on the amount of fuel or battery left. The test drive will help purchasers get a feel for how the cart carries out.


A golf cart is a good investment for passionate golf players, individuals living in retirement communities, or business individuals who handle big websites, such as landscapers, building and building employees, or hotel workers. Buying a golf cart used can help buyers to save considerable money on their initial purchase. Purchasers need to find each aspect of a golf cart and understand what to search for when looking for an utilized golf cart. Purchasers need to do their research and examine and assess and drive a cart to insure quality and efficiency.


Best Golf Cars carries a wide variety of refurbished golf cars in our inventory. Call or stop by one of our convenient locations.

Best Golf Cars

1400 Enterprise Ave

Myrtle Beach, SC  29577


Best Golf Cars – Market Common

1600 Farrow Parkway

Coventry Crossings Shopping Plaza

Myrtle Beach, SC


Sunday 12 June 2016

Exactly what to Try to find in an Utilized Golf Cart-- Part 1

Exactly what to Try to find in an Utilized Golf Cart-- Part 1A golf cart is a sensible purchase for passionate golf lovers, individuals living in retirement home, visitors who go to the beach typically, or for business individuals who deal with big center sites, such as building and landscaping jobs. Golf carts are versatile cars that make it possible for users to drive to areas that cars and larger vehicles can not go. Buying an utilized golf cart can conserve buyers as much as half off the cost of a brand-new cart. Buyers have to learn about golf carts and their various functions, as well as ways to evaluate an utilized golf cart.

On Introduction Of Used Golf Carts

Whether buyers prepare to use a golf cart for playing golf or as an energy vehicle, buying a golf cart can save as much as half the expense of a brand-new cart. Golf carts were initially established for elderly golf players or those with impairments. Today, golf carts are used by visitors for quick trips to the beach, retirement communities and on the golf course. Golf carts can be powered by gas or electrical batteries. A great deal of gas carts are utilized by those who utilize their carts for fundamental transportation, and electrical carts are still popular on the golf course.

Golf Cart Types and Features

In order to narrow down the alternatives readily available, buyers have to consider a couple of crucial aspects, such as whether they want a gas or electrical golf cart, what added functions they want, just how much they want to invest, and where they will keep the golf cart once it is acquired. By determining the best type, functions, expense, and size, purchasers can filter the big pool of alternatives to a pick number of.

Gas Versus Electric Golf Carts

One of the first decisions buyers need to make when acquiring a cart is whether they pick gas or electric carts. Here are a few of the differences.

Gas Golf Cart

Gas golf carts have engines similar to automobiles. They require gas to operate and routine engine maintenance. These engines are perfect for those who intend on taking the cart on irregular surface or for those who intend on utilizing the cart for pulling and lugging.

Benefits - Gas golf carts are effective with a horse power varying from 10 to twelve. Gas carts are perfect for those using the carts for basic transport. Gas powered carts run longer on a tank of gas than an electrical cart which runs on a charged battery. Likewise, gas can immediately be changed when empty, which indicates users do not have to await a battery to recharge.

Downsides - Gas carts are noisier when running. They need more upkeep than electric carts, such as oil changes and filter replacements. When fuel expenditures are high, filling the gas tank can be an added expense. Gas golf carts are prohibited in some places and states. Purchasers should talk to local courses and their regional Department of Motor Automobiles to discover restraints on gas powered carts.

Electric Golf Carts

Electric golf carts are powered by rechargeable batteries. There is very little maintenance for these carts and no gas is required, which reduces yearly costs. These carts have a horse power of around 3 to 5 horsepower, so they do not have the specific very same power potential as gas powered carts.

Benefits - Electric carts are much cheaper to operate than gas powered carts. These carts need less maintenance than their counterparts. Electric carts are better for the environment without any gas emissions. These carts are very tranquil when operated.

Drawbacks - Electric carts have restricted power, generally peaking at about five horse power. Carts need to be charged after each full day of use. Buyers who want to use a cart for numerous days without access to charging need to think of gas carts. Batteries last about 5 to 6 years depending upon how well they are cared for. Batteries that are not effectively looked after need to be changed as typically as two to three years.

A lot of golf players will be pleased with the advantage and abilities of electrical carts. Purchasers who require more power or require carts to run for an extended period of time without being charged need to buy gas carts. Maintenance expenses and sound aspects in addition to local and state laws need to be taken into consideration when choosing between gas or electrical carts.

Used Golf Cart Consists of

Golf carts have great deals of features purchasers need to think of prior to purchasing. Some functions are essential for the requirements of the buyers, and other functions offer advantage, benefit, and high-end.

Windscreens: Some carts consist of windshields connected. They normally can fold down or can be eliminated entirely. Windscreens are especially helpful in places that frequently experience bad weather.

Radio: Some carts have radios set up that allow riders to hear music, sports, or talk radio while in use.

Seats: Purchasers can choose seat products that offer more benefit. Leather, for instance, looks good and supplies comfy seating for riders. At Best Golf Cars, seats can be tailored with sports group logo designs or certain colors.

Rear Seats: Some carts feature rear seats to include extra riders facing backwards at the back of the cart. This is useful if the cart will be used to carry a large amount of individuals.

Additional Seats: Some golf carts are built with an additional row of seats. These carts are longer and allow as much as 6 riders.

Horns: Horns are useful for those taking carts on public roadways to signal other drivers of the cart's presence.

Mirrors: Carts need to have side and rear-view mirrors so drivers have better direct exposure and can see behind the cart.

Headlights: Some places or facilities mandate headlights on golf courses. Any golf carts ran in the evening or on streets have to have headlights to boost direct exposure.


In our next post we will cover more items to take into consideration when purchasing a used golf cart.

Stop by our store and check out our available inventory of used golf carts.

Best Golf Cars – Off Seaboard Avenue

1400 Enterprise Ave

Myrtle Beach, SC 29577


Best Golf Cars – Market Common

1600 Farrow Parkway

Coventry Crossings Shopping Plaza

Myrtle Beach, SC
